Saturday, December 15, 2012

Wanting Redemption

When Marge was first published, I was never so happy!  The dream of becoming a published author has come to pass.  At that time, I still thought good of my publisher until I found out who  they really are.
 I received two reviews and one was very critical and it would hurt any chances of anyone wanting to buy my book. How could my aunt do that to me? I never thought there were mistakes in my book! What has been published is published and now for ten years I have to live with it. Not only did I make mistakes but so did they and my book once my pride and joy has turned out to be my shame.
 PublishedAmerica would not release me from the contract or give me the rights to my book back. So how can I ever feel redeemed? I know some of you will say that  we all learn and must move on, but I can not let it go!  I had no one to proofread my manuscript nor did I have Microsoft Office Word which has its own grammar check and Ginger Software works better with it.  I could not afford an editor to look at it. I was a poor women with a BIG DREAM! And I still have the dream.  Although I have learn never to trust PA again and to have my manuscript  proofread before publishing, I still want redemption and I have the faith to believe it can happen not in my or when the contract expires but in God's time.

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