Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The DollHouse Mystery

Okay. I admit. This book is written for children, but the reason why I read Carolyn Greene's book was for  research only.   I had written a mystery already and  had not received word from the two agents. I guess its not good enough for them. Most Mysteries written for adults  have more than 100 pages and mostly is a murder mystery. I am not gifted to write like our current mystery writers. My first book is a romance so maybe God has given me the ability to write romance stories.

The book I read is a Nancy Drew book about a young detective accused of stealing the furniture from a dollhouse. One of Mrs Rutledge's granddaughter accused Nancy of  doing it and Nancy sets out to find the real culprit which is the other granddaughter who did not want Nancy to play with the furniture.  After reading this, I have found that murder mysteries are not for children. It is not like Nancy   is called upon to solve someone's murder but that the crime happen to people she is in contact with. Perhaps I can write similar stories, but need to read more to get more ideas.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Dealing with competition

It is not really competition because I doubt she  is competing against me although I felt she was overshadowing me. A dear friend whom I respect and valued dealt me a blow and I am still reeling over it. The blow? She just had a book publish and her friends are singing her praises.  Karla and I share some friends in common so when my book was published and I let everyone know, who was singing mine? Only one and that is another dear friend of mine.  It is hard for me to deal with it.  I love Karla very much but when I  wrote to her about my book, she said something to the affect, "I don't read."  I never once asked her to buy my book although she was mentioned in the acknowledgement.  Her cover on her book  looks better than mine and what are the odds her book will sell better than mine?  She could very easily publicize her new book better than me.  Oh how I hate having no income. Here I am saving for who knows what? WordPress.com or AuthorsDen? I really don't know which way to go. Maybe what I should do is have a book signing anyway. Save up to order more books from PA and ask Target (Not Walmart) or some other business if I can host a book signing in their business. Or I could  call up Barnes and Noble and ask them.  This is something I need to pray about.  It is hard for me to trust God in this situation but I am trying. I just pray he will give me the grace I need to make it though another insignificant day