Friday, August 23, 2013

Struggling as a Writer

My Struggles as a Writer
          Whenever I write about me in my books, I write that I have always loved to write stories for as long as I can remember and that is true. I also believe that my “writing” genes came from my grandmother, but she didn’t make writing her full-time job! She had another job. (At least I think she did) 
          When I was younger, I can tell you I had ideas what I wanted to be: an actress, a psychologist, a cashier, but writing?  That was the furthest from my mind! I never claimed to be well versed in the vocabulary. I didn’t go to college to major in English either. I am just a woman with an imagination who can share it with others. I also didn’t want to become an author before I became a teacher. (And believe me, I have received criticism for that to—the educators telling me I should try other professions besides teaching.) But I know God has called me to teach. He has given me the desires to teach kindergarten. Don’t you know that God can use the weak things of the world to shame the strong? Do you know why? If someone is able to do things without His help, he gets no glory! But if they are dependent on him, he does! Look at Gideon! God used 300 men to fight against the vast number of the Midianites! I love what Gideon said as he went out to war: “The sword of the Lord and of Gideon!”
          I may not be well versed, but I am gifted. The Lord has given me a talent and I refuse to waste it because someone said to me, “You write like a child.” Those aren’t her words, but who else uses elementary words? Children sure don’t have a vast knowledge of words. I write whatever comes to my mind, but I also ask the Lord to help me write too.
          I have said this before, the reason why I rather write and sell later is because I can’t pay people to edit my work, or even proofread it. The Past hunter has been through the fire too many times! After it received a harsh and critical review, I asked some to help me with it and he did! Several people who reviewed my book, liked my book!
          It is hard to get back into writing when someone tells me, it still needs work, but I won’t rewrite it the third time!  I will just learn from my mistakes. For now I am struggling. I am wondering if I should not write anymore if people are going to tell me things I can’t change. The PAST HUNTER is written and published. I know one thing for sure and that is my next WIP will have someone else proofreading it. Who, I don’t know. God will lead me to the next person.