Thursday, June 12, 2014

Interview with Cathy Jackson

Fifteen Questions for Cathy Jackson, author of
As You Wish  

I’m here with Cathy Jackson who had just released her debut book “As You Wish.”  Welcome to my blog!

Cathy:  Thank you so much for the interview!  I am honored.
Cathy, it must be exciting to finally have your first book published. Who or what is in your inspiration for your book?
Cathy:  It is exciting!  The inspiration for this book was to help others.  This book came out of a dark place for me and I wanted to use that experience to help others find hope.
What Character in your book can you relate to and why?
Cathy:  Elizabeth Seraphim.  I have a faith like hers, though not as much, and a love for my children that surpasses the love I have for myself. 
Do you have any favorite authors and if so, what is your favorite book by them?
Cathy:  I like Karen Marie Moning and Faith Marlow and Christine Feehan.  They are all excellent writers!
Tell us a little about yourself.

Cathy:  I am a mom of four children and I lead worship at our church.  Matthew Jackson is my husband and we have been married for 18 years.  I have zero dexterity and am socially awkward. 
What do you like to do for fun?

Cathy:  I love to read and hang with my family.  My true passion has become the characters in my head that nag me to let them out!
Where did you grow up?
Cathy:  I grew up in McLeansboro, Illinois.  It’s a small town where everyone knows way too much about one another.  I don’t live there now.
How much of the book is realistic?
Cathy:  Realism to me is relative in terms of this book.  *insert laugh here*  The characters in the books I have written or need to write are real to me.  As far as how much of my life did I pull from for this book, I pulled a lot of my own life for Elizabeth.  How she believes, how she views God, the faith she has.
Where did you get the idea for the book?
Cathy:  The idea of this book came to me as my other book ideas do.  They actually kind of blind side me then demand to be written down.  But it was the loss of my mother and how I used her loss, not only to draw closer to God but be able to help others who have lost someone they love to.
If a movie producer wanted to make your book into a movie and you can chose any two actors for it, who would they be?
Cathy:  David Tennant IS Daniel Templeman!  No question about it.  As for Elizabeth, I really don’t know who would play her.  I would want a shorter actress as Elizabeth is five six and a little heavy. 
How long did it take you to write this book?
Cathy:  It took me 7 days to write the book.  After 2 weeks of tinkering, I had it where I wanted it.  Then, of course, my editor, Jennifer Harshman, and beta readers came in to perfect it.
What does your family think of your writing?
Cathy:  I really haven’t asked them.  Being an independent publisher takes me away from them a lot of the time and I hate that.  But, hopefully, it will all be worth it when we are better off than we are. 
Do you have a particular writing style?
Cathy:  I was asked this in an interview.  I sit down with characters in my head already and when I begin typing, they write the story for me.  I just use my fingers to tell their story.
How did you chose the genre you are writing?
Cathy:  “As You Wish” is a contemporary Inspirational romance but I see it as so much more.  The genre chose me, I wouldn’t categorize “As You Wish” as an Inspirational.
When did you realize you wanted to write books?
Cathy:  I think I have yet to realize that I want to write books.  *insert laugh*  There are just stories to tell so I am telling them.
One last question. Do you have any advice you can give to an upcoming authors?
Cathy:  Find supportive people!  You need people behind you telling you to go on when you are ready to throw in the towel.  Those are the people who will be behind you the rest of your career.
Thank you so much Cathy for taking time out for this interview. May God grant you much success as you continue to write amazing stories! (I don’t believe in luck)

You can find Cathy’s fan page on Facebook: Cathy Jackson, Author