Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Redeeming Marge?

I never thought I would see the day that my redemption plan would fail. What am I talking about? A Second Chance at Love was my second chance at redeeming myself after my former publisher allowed all the mistakes and typos we both made in my book. I rewrote it and thought it was pretty good.
However, my hopes of redeeming myself were dashed: no one wanted to buy my book.
I have a friend one Facebook who wanted to help. Although I think my book is fine as it is, there were people who didn't. I let her look at the first three chapters and this is what I am told basically:
"You have two many point of views."

Okay so I have to stick with one for each section or chapter.

"Romance readers don't like the Ominscient point of views."

That means I can't let me readers know what certain characters are thinking or feeling at my given time.

Why do they have to be picky? By changing how the POV is written, I have  actually changed the whole dynamic of  my story?  It is no longer  how I have  written it but what others want.

Currently my book is selling for 11.99 but I am thinking of setting at 13.99. Why? Because I am rewriting it to please my picky readers. That book has taken me years to perfect and yet no one is satisfied with the finished product.

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